2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing

6-11 June 2021 • Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Extracting Knowledge from Information

2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing

6-11 June 2021 • Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Extracting Knowledge from Information
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Paper Detail

Paper IDAUD-6.4
Paper Title Feedforward Selective Fixed-Filter Active Noise Control: Algorithm and Implementation
Authors Dongyuan Shi, Digital Signal Processing Lab, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Woon-Seng Gan, Bhan Lam, Shulin Wen, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
SessionAUD-6: Active Noise Control, Echo Reduction, and Feedback Reduction 2: Active Noise Control and Echo Cancellation
Session Time:Tuesday, 08 June, 16:30 - 17:15
Presentation Time:Tuesday, 08 June, 16:30 - 17:15
Presentation Poster
Topic Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing: [AUD-NEFR] Active Noise Control, Echo Reduction and Feedback Reduction
Abstract Conventional real-time active noise control (ANC) usually employs the adaptive filtered-x least mean square (FxLMS) algorithm to approach optimum coefficients for the control filter. However, lengthy training is usually required, and the perceived noise reduction is not immediately realized. Motivated by the practical implementation, we propose a selective fixed-filter active noise control (SFANC) algorithm, which selects a pretrained control filter to attenuate the detected primary noise rapidly. On top of improved robustness, the complexity analysis reveals that SFANC appears to be more efficient. The SFANC algorithm chooses the most suitable control filter based on the frequency-band-match approach implemented in a partitioned frequency-domain filter. Through simulations, SFANC is shown to exhibit a satisfactory response time and steady-state noise reduction performance, even for time-varying noise and real non-stationary disturbance.